Not the last day of our project or of our time at the Coro, but the last day of Coro All , the event that has launched the building's new relationship with the town and our local authority and hosted our work
While the dance workshop set up in the main hall we sat back in our gallery and listened to voices from Arts Council, SLDC and Ulverston Community Enterprises telling us the story of the transfer of ownership and their hopes for the future.
For me the event ended as it began , with a room full of interested people with a common purpose and who value each other's efforts. So, thank you to:
The schools and their pupils, and to our artists Alex, Lex, Pete and Fran for their enthusiasm, skill and commitment;
Charlie Rowley and the Staff at the Coro for advocacy, space, tech support ,coffee and a great working atmosphere;
and to Amy Parker, architect of Coro All, without whom etc. My thanks and congratulations on behalf of all our team on a varied, inclusive, bonkers and wonderfully organised few days.
And we're not finished yet.